星期四, 8月 05, 2010


全球品牌星巴克(Starbucks Coffee)與台灣傳統工藝的巧妙結合:木雕、交趾陶、琉璃、細銀等傳統工藝家,以星巴克Grande紙杯為題,順著工藝內涵,於作品創作過程中隨機增添生動的裝飾,例如:攀爬的甲蟲或青蛙、盤空的雲朵和祥龍…等,讓全球不變的普遍造型與圓形圖案,在台灣得到不同的生命與靈氣。
The global Starbucks symbol is combined with traditional Taiwanese crafts such as woodcarving, Koji pottery, glassblowing,and silversmithing. The recognizableshape and circular logo element of the Starbucks cups are integrated with various craft traditions to give each object a unique local character. Creative input by the Taiwanese craftsmen contributed to the decorative details, such as the climbing beetle and flower pattern, of the final design.
金工 呂雪芬 竹藝 林群涵 設計 劉一德